An all-in-one solution for managing field service operations
Expense reports, QSE, activity reports, time sheets…
WCS Field Service applied to your business needs
1 use of WCS Field Service
WCS Field Service enables QSE managers and company management to computerize the processes for assessing, analyzing and managing risks that could compromise their QSE (quality, safety and environment) approach. The situation may or may not be directly related to the company’s activity and business lines: setting up an audit to evaluate processes and organization as part of an ISO certification project, identifying areas for improvement, alternating inspection and control missions on a worksite (quality of work and workmanship, compliance with processes related to safety, health, hygiene and the environment, particularly waste management), skills assessment, etc. QSE as part of a training or ISO certification project, etc.

WCS Field Service enables QSE managers and company management to computerize the processes for assessing, analyzing and managing risks that could compromise their QSE (quality, safety and environment) approach. The situation may or may not be directly related to the company’s activity and business lines: setting up an audit to evaluate processes and organization as part of an ISO certification project, identifying areas for improvement, alternating inspection and control missions on a worksite (quality of work and workmanship, compliance with processes related to safety, health, hygiene and the environment, particularly waste management), skills assessment, etc. QSE as part of a training or ISO certification project, etc.