Refrigerant monitoring
CERFA 15497
Completion of CERFA 15497 form, intervention sheet, hazardous waste tracking (refrigerants and fluorinated gases), intervention slip, expense report… Cover all your business needs with WCS Field Service
Since the decree of December 22, 2016, it has been compulsory to use a Bordereau de Suivi des Déchets Dangereux (BSDD) depending on the type of products collected. The CERFA 15497 form is used by refrigeration specialists to simplify administrative procedures. The latter must hold a regulatory certification: the “attestation de capacité”. CERFA 15497 is used as an intervention form for commissioning refrigeration equipment, leak checks and all types of refrigerant handling. It is also used to recover used fluorinated gases and refrigerants for processing.
Found in air-conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump equipment, these gases destroy the ozone layer. It is therefore essential to keep track of the fluorinated gases and refrigerants present in this equipment, using a document required of refrigeration professionals by French regulations.
To prevent leaks of refrigerants (CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs) that contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer, the environment and the greenhouse effect, regulations require all installations with a capacity of over 2 kg of these gases to undergo a periodic leak test.
WCS Field Service is a mobile application designed for your field teams. The application installs easily on any mobile device, with no complex operations and no code: your BSDD form is directly available on your mobile device, along with any other forms related to your business needs.
No more paper forms or CERFA counterfoil booklets, you can carry out your control easily and find your completed CERFA document directly in PDF format.
WCS Field Service applied to your business
3 reasons to use WCS Field Service
Eliminate data entry errors
Complex and time-consuming, the BSDD is prone to filling errors. With WCS Field Service, make sure you complete each section of the form correctly.
- Some form fields can be pre-filled, with your customer’s contact details, equipment references, your contact details and approval numbers…
- Be sure to fill in all the required fields on the form
- Calculez directement au sein de l’application les quantités de fluides injectés et récupérés et convertissez directement la charge de fluide frigorigène en tonnage CO2 équivalent.
- You can be sure you’re entering the right information, thanks to data verification. You can attach an explanatory note to each field to describe the tasks and readings to be carried out, or an accompanying document (product technical documentation, memo, images, etc.).
Eliminate data entry errors
Complex and time-consuming, the BSDD is prone to completion errors. With WCS Field Service, make sure you complete each section of the form correctly.
- Some form fields can be pre-filled, such as your customer’s contact details, equipment references, your contact details and approval numbers…
- Be sure to fill in all the required fields on the form
- Calculez directement au sein de l’application les quantités de fluides injectés et récupérés et convertissez directement la charge de fluide frigorigène en tonnage CO2 équivalent.
- You can be sure you’re entering the right information, thanks to data verification. You can attach an explanatory note to each field to describe the tasks and readings to be carried out, or an accompanying document (product technical documentation, memo, images, etc.).
Keep track of your work
By modifying your processes and digitizing your work sheets, you can ensure traceability of your operations and hazardous waste.
- Send the CERFA document in PDF format directly to your customers. You can attach it to an automatic email, or send it directly to your information system.
- Automatically integrate the CERFA in PDF format into your information system and keep a record of your operations (CRM, ERP, Cloud…).
- If you’ve lost your document, regenerate the CERFA document containing all the details of your intervention directly in our application. You can be sure of being able to provide the CERFA 15497 document in the event of an inspection or dispute. (Legal obligation to keep the document for 5 years. The same advice applies to your customers).
Go beyond the CERFA
To offer your customers a complete follow-up service, go further with WCS Field Service than with a form in a notebook.
- You can also add photos, voice notes, explanatory diagrams…
- Have your customer validate the CERFA by signing it directly on your smartphone or tablet.
- Send the completed CERFA form directly to your customer’s mailbox
Go beyond the CERFA
To offer your customers a complete follow-up service, go further with WCS Field Service than with a form in a notebook.
- You can also add photos, voice notes, explanatory diagrams…
- Have your customer validate the CERFA by signing it directly on your smartphone or tablet.
- Send the completed CERFA form directly to your customer’s mailbox
They trust WCS Field Service
Customer testimonials
Since I started using WCS Field Service, I’ve been able to save a lot of time during the day, especially when it comes to managing CERFA slips.
No more need for a notebook, everything is in my phone, and the ease with which the application can be filled in, starting with the pre-filled addresses of my customers, the different types of fluids, and the different leak detection devices, saves a considerable amount of time, makes for a clean final rendering (not handwritten), and is received immediately in the mailbox in PDF format, ready to be archived for the annual report.
Given the number of operations I carry out every year, I can’t do without this application.
Sources :
- French decree no. 2015-1790 of December 28, 2015
- Service Public : Bordereau de suivi des déchets dangereux (BSDD) (Hazardous waste tracking form) – Fiche d’intervention pour les opérations nécessitant une manipulation de fluides frigorigènes effectuées sur un équipement (Form 15497*02) (in French)
- Articles 543-82 and R.541-45 of the Environment Code